Get Your Home Holiday Ready


“Tis the season for guests, entertaining, shopping and decorating. Keeping your home peaceful and organized with the demands of of the holidays can seem like a daunting challenge. Yet clearing the clutter and a little bit of organizing can help lessen stress, free up time and create some welcome ease. Here are our holiday organizing tips to keep you sane this season:

  • Make a central holiday calendar. Include holiday shopping, deadlines for shipping, decorating, sending cards, baking, parties and travel plans. This will have you feeling in control instantly. 

  • Clear out the clutter! Donate clothes, coats and toys kids have outgrown. De-clutter by putting your everyday decorations away while you have your holiday decorations on display.

  • Before you decorate, give your house a good cleaning. This way it will be sparkling and looking great in more ways than one.

  • Evaluate holiday decor. As you pull out decorations ask yourself: Do I use it, do I love it, do I appreciate it? Keep your favorites and donate the rest. 

  • Create a gift-wrapping station. According to Consumer Reports, the average person spends 3 hours wrapping gifts. Organize your supplies by sorting them into different categories: bows, ribbon, tissue paper, gift tags, tape, etc. Having an organized system will save time.

  • Clear out and clean out your coat closet. Make room for guests’ winter jackets and extra hangers. Clear the floor of odds and ends to store shoes and boots.

Holidays are the time of year to celebrate life with family and friends. When we are organized there is more time to enjoy the season with those we love. 

Happy Organizing!