Getting Ready For The Holidays

Getting Ready For The Holidays

Fall is a great time for Spring Cleaning! Flip Flops to Boots

Cooler days and nights bring open windows and can be a wonderful time to declutter and organize before getting ready for winter the upcoming holiday season!

With whiffs of pumpkin spice in the air and the change of temperatures it’s time to put the flip flops away and bring out the boots, coats hats and scarves.  Are there any items from last year you need to donate?  How about any items that need to be repaired or laundered?   With many retailers already selling new items for the winter season, it can be tempting to start purchasing new items before realizing what you already have.  Que the overflowing stuffed closets.  Getting everything sorted and lined up now, will so that you are not only prepared for the sudden blast of cold air but you will save time finding those coats, hats and gloves when you need them.

“Fall cleaning” is also a wonderful time to get a handle on preparing for the upcoming holiday season.  Whether it be the pantry, (all that baking and cooking), gift wrapping supplies, (buying new supplies can be expensive), decoration storage, (overlapping holidays can lead to chaos and purchasing items you may already own), clothes closets, (the sweaters for “that” party) or getting the guest room ready, (biggest time of year for visiting family and friends) can make the upcoming months “stress central”. There are many design solutions and products that Organization & Relocation offers that will optimize each space and purpose while providing long term post holiday benefits.  Organizing these key areas now when the weather and the calendar are manageable will help with the clutter and prepare you for a time when there is no room in the schedule.  Most importantly, it will afford you a time when you can truly enjoy the time with family and friends.

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Traveling Light

Traveling Light

Do you love to travel as much as I do? If so, here are some great ideas to make your next adventure a breeze.    

Here’s the truth: You do not need a lot of things.

You’ve probably seen a lot of people these days selling or donating all of their stuff to live a more minimalistic lifestyle. It is a bold move because it does take a lot of emotional bravery to get rid of things that matter to you. 

Let’s discuss clothing, your choices should be lightweight, versatile, climate appropriate and neutral in color.  Think ‘little black dress’ of travel.  Neutrals that you can wear many different ways will save you!  The less stuff you struggle with carrying, the more you can maximize your experience! The most important part of your wardrobe are your shoes, keep them simple and comfortable! 

Are you a travel organizer freak like I am?  I like to keep things tidy in life (and during my travels). One of my favorite travel items are packing cubes. They keep everything tight which saves space and they make finding items easy (even in the dark). 

I suggest these packing cubes from The Container Store

Airline apps are the best! Utilizing your airline’s app on your smart device will give you real time information. This feature I love for their “head’s up” alert when there are gate changes.  

Traveling with credit cards is the only way to fly. Plastic is convenient to pack, gives you a record of your purchases and is more secure than cash.

By now, you probably know the basics of traveling with credit cards. You should notify your card issuer of your itinerary to make sure your card doesn’t get cut off for suspected fraud just when you need it most. You should also write down the contact numbers for your cards, just in case you lose them or they are stolen.

Over the years, my travel style has evolved. But one thing has remained constant – I’m always looking for the sweet spot of cost, convenience, comfort, and culture. With a well-planned trip, I am able to check all my boxes! 

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Preparing For Fall

Preparing For Fall

The first day of Fall is next week, which means it's time to rotate out our tank tops and flip-flops to make room for cozy sweaters and duster jackets. When going through a closet, Org & Relo pulls out, launders or dry cleans the dirty and stores the clean in its new location. The really satisfying part of a closet shuffle is you will feel like you have a fresh new wardrobe.

Tips for Success:

1. Store, Sort & Catgegorize - Before you begin the overhaul, make sure you determine where you will be storing your summer clothes. This will save time and frustration after you start. As with each project we begin, make piles for keep, discard, and donate. Now is the best time to get rid of unwanted clothes or clothes that do not fit because if you don't like them now, you probably won't next summer either!

2. Beautify Your Bathroom - Avoid exposure to germs and bacteria by giving your bathroom a deep scrub before the moisture builds up with the fast approaching Fall months. Contact Org & Relo to beautify your bathroom!

3. Furnace Inspection - Hire an HVAC professional to check heating efficiency, test for leaks and change the filter. Also, check for drafts by using a lighted candle around doors and windows and if you see a flicker, inspect for broken or cracked seals.

4. Organize the Shed - As summer items begin to fill up shed space, now is a good time to sort, purge and organize remaining items. Move summer items to the back and winter items to the front for easy access.

5. Set Your Kids Up For Success - The playroom is that space in the house where our kids play with their toys and usually turns the room into a war zone. Teach your kids the importance of organization early on in life.

Who's ready for apple picking and pumpkin spice lattes?

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The Case of the Missing Scissors

The Case of the Missing Scissors

It was a dark and stormy night.  Everyone had been fed and bathed.  It was time for bedtime stories. As you are tucking Suzie into bed, she casually mentions that she needs to create a collage of her favorite animals for school tomorrow.  “What? Why are you just now mentioning this to me?” Suzie’s response…” I forgot”. Sigh. “Ok, I will gather the materials and you can get up early and get it done”. Good night and sweet dreams.”

As you head down the stairs you are thinking about what supplies are needed for this project.  Magazines with pictures of animals, scissors, paper, glue stick, pencil. At least you are not scrambling to build a volcano!  

You quickly locate everything needed except the scissors.  Hmmm. You look in the desk drawer...not there. You look in the kitchen junk drawer…not there.  You look in the mudroom drawer…not there. You know you own at least one pair of scissors…don’t you?  You must! You are now looking through every drawer and cabinet in the house. After an hour of searching, you finally come across a pair of blunt-tip kids scissors in the bottom of a toy bin.  That will have to do.  

To avoid this happening again, you quickly jump online and order a pair of scissors.  It will be a short night’s sleep, but crisis avoided.

Fast forward two months:  You are doing some spring cleaning and come across no less than 5 pairs of scissors in various locations (kids backpacks, master bathroom, bedside table, car).  Of course! That makes total sense.  

Can you relate to this story?  Maybe it wasn’t scissors, but something else.  It happens to all of us.

QUIZ:  How long would it take you to find a pair of scissors right now?  

  1. I know exactly where they are!

  2. I know where they should be…

  3. Do I even own a pair of scissors?

  4. What are scissors?

If you answered B-D, then here are three helpful steps to ensure that you will find what you need, when you need it.

  1. Gather all your scissors (or commonly used item) into one place.

  2. Designate locations for each pair (kitchen, office, mudroom, etc.)

  3. LABEL each pair with location and put in their assigned location.

Stay tuned for the next episode…The Case of the Missing Sock.

By Jennifer Gowler, Director of Operations and Project Manager

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Organizing Your Pets

Organizing Your Pets

Pets are family members and just like other family members, they accumulate a lot of stuff. Pets have many accessories and their own needs, with a little bit of organization you can really make a great impact in your lives.

Keep important documents in a file

It’s important to have a dedicated space in your home for pet records, such as immunizations, pedigrees, adoption and microchip records. Keep these records up-to-date and if they aren’t current, ask your veterinarian to send you updated copies. These will come in handy when the time arises and will help friends or family find the documents easily. Don’t forget to add an updated picture to this file as well. In case they get lost, you will be able to print flyers quickly.

Gather all of your pet supplies

Once you have all of your pet supplies laid out, you can quickly view what you have and start getting rid of broken food bowls, damaged toys, expired treats, etc. The next step is tossing old or damaged supplies, then you can organize what your pet really uses. Most pet rescue organizations love donations! Things you might consider donating include, old pet towels, belongings from a pet you no longer have or old collars and leashes you no longer use.

Time to organize

Once you have your piles in categories of donate, discard and keep, you can begin organizing your pet’s belongings.

Start by sorting the item type around your home. For example, put your pet’s toys in a basket, put your grooming supplies such as nail clippers, brushes and shampoo in the room you would groom your pet, then, put leashes and collars in a basket or bin near your entryway. Another option is to install peg board or hooks in a closet near your entryway for hidden storage.

Pet food can be stored in a variety of sealable container which keeps food fresh and bugs out. I prefer tubs on wheels for easy maneuvering.

Organizing your pet supplies doesn’t have to be a complicated project and it will make a lasting impact. Our team at Organization and Relocation would love to see your before and after photos of your pet’s new and organized home!

Written by: Angie Spann, Project Coordinator

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Take a Mental Vacation

Take a Mental Vacation

We’re over halfway through the summer. If you didn’t have time to take a relocation vacation, make sure you at least take time for yourself by disconnecting. Follow the tips below.

3 Ways to Take a Mental Vacation

  1. Start your morning reading a book or a magazine - If only for 15 minutes while you have your cup of coffee. So many of us jump right into work thoughts the second we wake up. Escaping into some fiction for a few quiet minutes in the morning will do wonders for you throughout the day.

  2. Hit the mute button - Find a spot where you don't hear the noise you can not control. So often this is the sound of cars and trucks speeding down our roadways. Sitting in a park listening to footsteps, church bells, bicycles, trees swaying, or rain splashing on the sidewalk can be most refreshing.

  3. Turn off the hand held devices -Everything is on the phone - work emails, Twitter, Facebook, family, friends so we constantly check it. Twice a day set your phone down on your desk and take a 10 minute walk. When you get back you will feel refreshed. Also, never take your phone to bed, leave it in the kitchen.

Have you tried any of these in the past or have additional tips? We’d love to know - comment below!

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Take the BIG Stress out of your Relocation

Take the BIG Stress out of your Relocation

Planning to move this spring? Don't let them see you sweat! Here are 5 reasons why you should hire Org & Relo to coordinate your move:

1. Time is Money
Be realistic with your timeline. *It takes an estimated 24-36 hours (without distractions or breaks) for the average person to pack a 4-bedroom house. And, that doesn't include living life in between boxes.

2. Your Treasures are our Treasures
When you hire us to unpack and organize, rest assured that you’re doing it right the first time. We handle complicated projects with utmost efficiency and care, which reduces the stress of moving.

3. Confidentiality
Moving is an up close and personal project. There aren't many industries where you'll find yourself elbow deep in a client's underwear drawer within the first 24 hours. Our teams of professional organizers, understand and respect the importance of privacy and confidentiality during this time.

4. It's All in the Details
Moving boxes is one thing. Unpacking and organizing them is a whole nother ball game. Org & Relo does it all. We handle every last detail so that you don't have to. Everything from Pre-Move Prep to recommending the best movers, unpacking, and even setting up systems of organization tailored to your family's lifestyle.

5. Peace of Mind
Moving is the 3rd most stressful life event behind death and divorce. Let us carry the weight, both physically and emotionally. We'll go over every question or concern in our introduction session to make sure we're both on the same page before the move.

Want to be hands off for the move? Organization & Relocation will manage your move from start to finish! Contact us today for a consultation.


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Prepare for the busiest month in moving!

Prepare for the busiest month in moving!

Prepare for the busiest month in moving!

Did you know most moving companies are booked three months ahead for the last week of July? Better weather, leases ending and beginning, and home buying highs are just a few reasons why this time is so busy.

Org & Relo offers a complete relocation concierge including vetting and booking moving companies. Contact us today!

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Decluttering During the Grieving Process

Decluttering During the Grieving Process

Decluttering During the Grieving Process

During one of our recent assignments working with a client in their master closet and bathroom a personal tragedy struck the day before we arrived. While the client still wanted us to work on their space, the team was very cognizant of being respectful of the client’s emotional needs and expected to shorten the time spent that day and complete the assignment at a later less stressful time.

The day turned out much different however, as the client found our work to be a relief during the logistical chaos of dealing with loss. At the end of the day a well organized master closet and bath turned out to be the best antidote to manage with the uncertainty of life’s uncertain journey.

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The Secret Life of Your Appliances

The Secret Life of Your Appliances

We all have them.  Those cool appliances that will “change our lives”.  Some of them are handy and get used.  I love throwing a few ingredients in the Crock Pot and then coming home to a delicious smelling meal ready to eat.  And the family loves it too!  And that blender gets used daily to whip up a yummy protein smoothie.   

Then there are those appliances that are hiding in the bottom corner of the panty…did you even know you owned a baby food maker?  Or that fancy Spiralizer? Remember that late night QVC purchase that was a good idea at the time but never came out of the box?

Pantry and kitchen cabinets quickly become cramped and disorganized.  Are you experiencing that?  Those small appliances take up so much real estate. 

Here is my challenge to you.On the next rainy day, pull out every single appliance you own (and all the parts and pieces) and evaluate what you use and what can go away.And if you are feeling up to it, go ahead and whip out a loaf of bread for old times sake, sending that bread maker out with a memory.

Written by: Jennifer Gowler, Director of Operations

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Marrying Two Households – “Do you stuff take me stuff”

Marrying Two Households – “Do you stuff take me stuff”

Recently we just did a full house, many room, closet by closet organization for a couple who although were married 2 years ago, just recently decided they needed to purge items that were overwhelming them as a couple, because their “stuff” came with them when they married.

Marrying Two Households – “Do you stuff take me stuff”

As the average age of individuals getting married increases, the reality of each person coming into the marriage with their own household full of contents is very real. AND that is on top of all the new items acquired through showers and wedding presents!!

So let the decluttering and elimination begin!

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Bands, Boxes and Belts, Hooray!

 Bands, Boxes and Belts, Hooray!

Simple is good, simple works, check this out!

Take a look at this picture, that's my cat Lily, she had to be in the shot, LOL.

Do you love belts as much as I do?  All sizes, colors, widths and design but how to store them with ease? If they hang in the closet it takes up valuable space and it's difficult to grab one quickly.

Here is your solution!

Use rubber bands on each belt to keep tightly stored in a pretty container for your drawer. I open my drawer and they are beautifully displayed. I use more of my belts now because I see what I own! Don't forget to trash or donate the ones you really never use, free up space for the ones you do.

Written by: JD Farley, Project Manager

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Out of Site, Out of Mind

Out of Site, Out of Mind

When you think of organizing, we generally think of purging and decluttering and reducing what the amount of contents we store and have in general. While that is true, how we store, and accessibility of our contents also need to be taken into consideration.

Being able to see stored contents makes a huge difference in being able to utilize products long term and prevents purchasing duplicate items which leads to the feeling of clutter and being overwhelmed.

Although wicker and linen baskets can offer a lovely design or decorating touch, they offer can “hide” stored items and contribute to the continued cycle of clutter. We recommend clear storage solution or labeling a not visible storage container. There are a variety of beautiful labeling options that can satisfy even the most discriminating design palate AND make sure everything stored is still visible!

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Once, twice, three times, let’s PURGE!

Once, twice, three times, let’s PURGE!

Once, twice, three times, let’s  PURGE!

My husband Steve and I have moved many times over the past seven years. From the house our kids were raised in New England, we relocated to a townhouse in Florida, then into our current high rise condo in Denver. This, with apartments in-between while searching and purchasing real estate.

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“Going Shopping” When Organizing

“Going Shopping” When Organizing

When I work with clients during an unpack and organize, before I begin to put the items away I like to sort, categorize, and present them as if the items were on display in a store.   I find that if you present the items in a visually pleasing way people tend to make quick and concise decisions about what stays and what goes.  Even kitchen utensils deserve to be presented in an appealing way. When a client sees that they have 10 spatulas and really only 2-3 that they use, it makes it easier to decide what goes.  I like to call it “going shopping”.  When I am doing a master closet that’s when things get really fun and you can be creative as well as efficient in the way you lead a client through the closet, by categorizing clothing in groups such as: workout, casual dress, fancy clothes, etc. I also like to practice this at home when I am seasonally changing out clothes in my closet or sorting my grown children’s left behind items in the mudroom.  Sometimes I will FaceTime them with all the items displayed so they can make quick decisions.  It may take a little more time on the front end, but it’s worth it in order to move through the decision making in a quick manner.  So next time you are organizing a part of your world, put everything on display and go shopping! 

Written by: Leslie Dietrich, Project Manager

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Paying Attention to Detail

Paying Attention to Detail

On a recent vacation, my husband I stayed in a very small resort in the Bahamas.  The resort is run by an older couple from Italy who have made a new life building and running an amazing vacation getaway.  The secret to their success has been personally seeing to every detail and going above and beyond to make sure that every little corner of their establishment is perfect.  They also had clear systems in place to ensure that each day certain areas of the resort were cleaned and organized.  Basically the secret to a successful and well organized home/resort/workplace is consistent and detailed daily upkeep.  It certainly made for a relaxed and pleasant vacation!


Written by: Leslie Dietrich, Project Manager

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Spring Organizing Made Easy

Spring Organizing Made Easy
    Choose one room at a time.  Prioritize what area is the most important or require attention first.  “Without clarity of a plan or a goal, there is a tendency to be overwhelmed with the task of organizing,”

    In order to organize you need space and that usually requires reducing, or "purging" what you already have.  But it need not be a negative process!  Set up bins so that sorting is easy, or hire Org & Relo where we can walk you through the process and dispose of items you no longer need. 

    You may want to start with small spaces first and build confidence.  Try and keep yourself from being distracted and emotional about the task ahead.  Org & Relo offers services that can help you ease the burden and stress of any space large or small.

It is important to use the correct box based on weight and size of the item.

  • Small book boxes – ideal for books, small heavy items, pantry.

  • Medium boxes – ideal for folded clothes, shoes, kitchen items that are not dishes.

  • Large boxes – ideal for bedding, large bulky items that are not too heavy.

Are you planning a move this year? Contact us today to get on our schedule! The best moving companies book out 2-3 months in advance, don't wait until 2 weeks before!

Written by: Corinne O’Doherty

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Project Recap: Getting Organized After the Death of a Loved One

Project Recap: Getting Organized After the Death of a Loved One

We recently worked with a widow whose husband had died 3 years ago and she is putting her house, which she has lived in for over 30 years on the market.  The basement and garage were full of her husband’s old hobby equipment. To her and her grown children is was a mountain of “junk , a hurdle, a burden, an obstacle preventing her to move on with her life. 

When she first spoke with Org & Relo, she just wanted everything “gone”.  On closer analysis however, we were able to identify items of not only financial value but personal value to her and her family.  With a team of four organizers we were able to sort items for resell and donation, cutting down on the amount that would be removed for trash.  Saving her not only the cost of disposal but also making her money with the reselling of her husband’s tools and ham/short wave radios. 

All those cost savings pale in comparison however to the true treasure on of our organizers found when culling through her husband’s old text books; a manuscript he wrote about his experiences during the Korean War.  Priceless.  Now that her basement and garage are empty of the mountains of old books and unused electrical equipment, our client can move forward with the next phase of her life with her children and grandchildren AND have important mementos that honor her late husband which she can share and pass on.


Written by: Corinne O'Doherty, Project Manager

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Make Storage Peace not War!

Make Storage Peace not War!

When your house in going on the market, your realtor will encourage you to cleanup, clear out and create less distractions for potential buyers. New owners want to imagine their belongings in a space, not yours.

At Organization & Relocation, we have the perfect system to get your house market ready.  What to do with the stuff you want to keep, but need out of the house for showings?

In a word, storage units. After Org & Relo helps you sort, categorize and decide what to keep, donate or trash, we pack every box personalized and tailored to you. 

Every household member has their box color coded and label clearly, making it easy to see whose box is whose in the storage unit.

 Plus, when your house sells, you and your family are already partially packed and ready to move on!

Call us today, let's get your house ready for sale in the best way possible!



Written by: JD Farley, Project Manager

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Mitigating Mud Season

Mitigating Mud Season

As Spring is bursting forth it’s glorious show of blooms, blossoms, and greenery, another factor that comes with it, is mud. In climates where Spring has fits and starts with sunshine one day and snow the next, there is a profusion of mud.  This can be especially trying if you are a dog owner and enjoy hiking or walking with them.  One of the ways I combat bringing Spring’s glory inside is to designate a pair of shoes that are strictly for muddy walks only.  I keep them outside my mud room door and once the mud dries, I clap them together to get the big chunks off.  

In order to clean my dogs I keep a stack of “dog towels” handy by the back door.  My small dog goes directly in my mud room sink for a quick paw and belly wash with a rub down using a dry, clean towel.  My big dog gets the similar cleaning, but I use a small bucket filled part way with warm water that I place on a towel, but I place it toward the bottom of the towel. This is so that after I have dipped his front paws in the bucket they can drip dry on the front of the towel while I attend to the back legs.  I also have on the ready a damp smaller towel or rag to do a quick wipe down of his belly and upper legs.  Lastly, another dry towel is used to finish off the job.  I find that this is an easy and efficient way to keep the muddy paws in check.  The key to this process is preparing the bucket and towels before departing for your walk or hike.  

Keeping all entryways to the house swept and free of mud and dirt is also a good way to keep it from coming inside.  If it is especially messy outside, I will place a dog towel inside the door for people to place their muddy shoes on.  

Spring is a wonderful time of year, but it is also a little messy!


Written by: Leslie Dietrich, Project Manager

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