Prepare for the busiest month in moving!

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Did you know most moving companies are booked three months ahead for the last week of July? Better weather, leases ending and beginning, and home buying highs are just a few reasons why this time is so busy.

Here are some quick tips to get you prepared for your move:
1. Pack an overnight bag with the essentials you will need for two nights

2. Take a photo of how your electronics are hooked up. You will thank yourself when you are setting them back up.

3. Start in the areas you use the least such as storage, basements, a guest room, etc. - Begin the process of packing in the storage areas of your home. These are the areas that usually require the most purging and organization.

4. One Room at a Time - Move throughout the rooms in your house deciding what you'd like to keep and what to get rid of. Take note of any items that may require extra insurance coverage.

5. Notify Important Parties - Make sure to contact your bank, employer's HR department, credit card, insurance & utility companies 2-3 weeks prior to your move.

6. Relax! Enjoy your neighborhood one last time and spend an evening at a local restaurant. With careful planning and organization, moving can be both exciting and refreshing.

Org & Relo offers a complete relocation concierge including vetting and booking moving companies. Contact us today!

Written by: AMR Digital Marketing //