Moving with Kids: Tips and Tricks for a Smooth Transition

Moving with Kids: Tips and Tricks for a Smooth Transition

Moving with kids doesn't have to be a daunting task. By following these tips and tricks, you can help ease the transition for your children and make the moving process a positive experience for the entire family. Remember to be patient, understanding, and supportive as your children adjust to their new home. With a little bit of planning and a lot of love, you can make moving with kids a smooth and successful endeavor.

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Spring Forward: Nurturing a Stress-Free Move with Organization and Relocation

Spring Forward: Nurturing a Stress-Free Move with Organization and Relocation

At Org and Relo, we pride ourselves on being more than just a relocation service; we are your partners in creating a stress-free moving experience. By following these steps in pre-moving preparation, you can look forward to a seamless transition to your new home. As the moving season approaches, let us take the lead in turning your moving dreams into reality.

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4 Pro Tips to Unpacking Your New Home

We've been giving you all the tips for moving out of your place but what about once you're in your new house? Unpacking can take days, weeks, or even years but with these tips you'll be done in no time!

Go Room-by-Room
We recommend unpacking a whole room at one time rather than just unboxing essentials and leaving the rest. Yes, this may be a bigger task upfront but you're also less likely to leave items laying around in boxes for months.

Start with the Most Important Room
Begin with the bedrooms so you have a non-chaotic place to sleep and relax as soon as possible. Then move on to the kitchen, followed by the main living space. After that move on to the supplemental spaces and storage areas, the garage, laundry room, etc.

Everything Has a Place
For each item you unbox you should have an idea of where it's going to go in your new space. It can be helpful to do some space planning before storing. We recommend using post-it notes to plan out in advance where you think things will go. You may have to adjust as you put things away but this gives you a good basis to go off.

Break Down Boxes as You Go
Your inclination might be to just set aside boxes as you finish them and break them down later for recycling. However, it helps with visual clutter and sense of accomplishment to break them down immediately after you finish a box and stash the flat boxes out of the way. Once you have a good pile, move that pile to the garage or somewhere even more out of the way.

Now you have what you need to unpack efficiently. However, if you want it doneeven faster, you can alwayshire usto come unpack and organize your new house and turn it into a home within days. We'll even help with getting rid of all the boxes and packing paper, as well as any further donates that may have come out of unpacking.

Organizing Your Pets

Organizing Your Pets

Pets are family members and just like other family members, they accumulate a lot of stuff. Pets have many accessories and their own needs, with a little bit of organization you can really make a great impact in your lives.

Keep important documents in a file

It’s important to have a dedicated space in your home for pet records, such as immunizations, pedigrees, adoption and microchip records. Keep these records up-to-date and if they aren’t current, ask your veterinarian to send you updated copies. These will come in handy when the time arises and will help friends or family find the documents easily. Don’t forget to add an updated picture to this file as well. In case they get lost, you will be able to print flyers quickly.

Gather all of your pet supplies

Once you have all of your pet supplies laid out, you can quickly view what you have and start getting rid of broken food bowls, damaged toys, expired treats, etc. The next step is tossing old or damaged supplies, then you can organize what your pet really uses. Most pet rescue organizations love donations! Things you might consider donating include, old pet towels, belongings from a pet you no longer have or old collars and leashes you no longer use.

Time to organize

Once you have your piles in categories of donate, discard and keep, you can begin organizing your pet’s belongings.

Start by sorting the item type around your home. For example, put your pet’s toys in a basket, put your grooming supplies such as nail clippers, brushes and shampoo in the room you would groom your pet, then, put leashes and collars in a basket or bin near your entryway. Another option is to install peg board or hooks in a closet near your entryway for hidden storage.

Pet food can be stored in a variety of sealable container which keeps food fresh and bugs out. I prefer tubs on wheels for easy maneuvering.

Organizing your pet supplies doesn’t have to be a complicated project and it will make a lasting impact. Our team at Organization and Relocation would love to see your before and after photos of your pet’s new and organized home!

Written by: Angie Spann, Project Coordinator

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The Secret Life of Your Appliances

The Secret Life of Your Appliances

We all have them.  Those cool appliances that will “change our lives”.  Some of them are handy and get used.  I love throwing a few ingredients in the Crock Pot and then coming home to a delicious smelling meal ready to eat.  And the family loves it too!  And that blender gets used daily to whip up a yummy protein smoothie.   

Then there are those appliances that are hiding in the bottom corner of the panty…did you even know you owned a baby food maker?  Or that fancy Spiralizer? Remember that late night QVC purchase that was a good idea at the time but never came out of the box?

Pantry and kitchen cabinets quickly become cramped and disorganized.  Are you experiencing that?  Those small appliances take up so much real estate. 

Here is my challenge to you.On the next rainy day, pull out every single appliance you own (and all the parts and pieces) and evaluate what you use and what can go away.And if you are feeling up to it, go ahead and whip out a loaf of bread for old times sake, sending that bread maker out with a memory.

Written by: Jennifer Gowler, Director of Operations

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