Moving with Kids: Tips and Tricks for a Smooth Transition

Moving with Kids: Tips and Tricks for a Smooth Transition

Moving with kids doesn't have to be a daunting task. By following these tips and tricks, you can help ease the transition for your children and make the moving process a positive experience for the entire family. Remember to be patient, understanding, and supportive as your children adjust to their new home. With a little bit of planning and a lot of love, you can make moving with kids a smooth and successful endeavor.

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Spring Forward: Nurturing a Stress-Free Move with Organization and Relocation

Spring Forward: Nurturing a Stress-Free Move with Organization and Relocation

At Org and Relo, we pride ourselves on being more than just a relocation service; we are your partners in creating a stress-free moving experience. By following these steps in pre-moving preparation, you can look forward to a seamless transition to your new home. As the moving season approaches, let us take the lead in turning your moving dreams into reality.

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Take the BIG Stress out of your Relocation

Take the BIG Stress out of your Relocation

Planning to move this spring? Don't let them see you sweat! Here are 5 reasons why you should hire Org & Relo to coordinate your move:

1. Time is Money
Be realistic with your timeline. *It takes an estimated 24-36 hours (without distractions or breaks) for the average person to pack a 4-bedroom house. And, that doesn't include living life in between boxes.

2. Your Treasures are our Treasures
When you hire us to unpack and organize, rest assured that you’re doing it right the first time. We handle complicated projects with utmost efficiency and care, which reduces the stress of moving.

3. Confidentiality
Moving is an up close and personal project. There aren't many industries where you'll find yourself elbow deep in a client's underwear drawer within the first 24 hours. Our teams of professional organizers, understand and respect the importance of privacy and confidentiality during this time.

4. It's All in the Details
Moving boxes is one thing. Unpacking and organizing them is a whole nother ball game. Org & Relo does it all. We handle every last detail so that you don't have to. Everything from Pre-Move Prep to recommending the best movers, unpacking, and even setting up systems of organization tailored to your family's lifestyle.

5. Peace of Mind
Moving is the 3rd most stressful life event behind death and divorce. Let us carry the weight, both physically and emotionally. We'll go over every question or concern in our introduction session to make sure we're both on the same page before the move.

Want to be hands off for the move? Organization & Relocation will manage your move from start to finish! Contact us today for a consultation.


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Make Storage Peace not War!

Make Storage Peace not War!

When your house in going on the market, your realtor will encourage you to cleanup, clear out and create less distractions for potential buyers. New owners want to imagine their belongings in a space, not yours.

At Organization & Relocation, we have the perfect system to get your house market ready.  What to do with the stuff you want to keep, but need out of the house for showings?

In a word, storage units. After Org & Relo helps you sort, categorize and decide what to keep, donate or trash, we pack every box personalized and tailored to you. 

Every household member has their box color coded and label clearly, making it easy to see whose box is whose in the storage unit.

 Plus, when your house sells, you and your family are already partially packed and ready to move on!

Call us today, let's get your house ready for sale in the best way possible!



Written by: JD Farley, Project Manager

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The M Word

The M Word

Realtor √ Movers √ Move Coordinator…what is that?

It is no secret that moving (aka The M Word) is a stressful process.  Whether you are moving 2 blocks or hundreds of miles, the same steps need to be done to get your family and all your belongings from Point A to Point B.  For many, just the thought of everything that needs to be done keeps them from even entertaining the thought of moving.  Is this you?  There are many obstacles to prevent you from making that decision but worrying about how to orchestrate a move in addition to you everyday life responsibilities does not need to be one.  There is help!

When I share with someone what I do for a living the number one response I get is “I didn’t even know that service exists!”  Well, it does. 

5 Reasons to Hire Org & Relo to help with your move

1. You are already operating at peak capacity. We deal with the movers, packing, unpacking, organizing and so much more.  You could even go on vacation during the move!

2. You have no idea where to start.  We do!

3. You are physically unable to oversee movers all day, pack, and unpack.  It would take you years to get unpacked and settled.  We have a team of experienced organizers to make your house a home in a matter of days!

4. You love to decorate and personalize your home.  You still can!  We do the “not so fun” tasks making it easy for you to add the final touches as you settle in to your new home.

5. You are a business moving.  Yes, we do business moves or all sizes!  Why burden your employees (or in many cases one employee) with everything that needs to happen to move an office to a new location? Hiring Org&Relo allows you to continue doing business and move with minimal interruption knowing you still have the control. 

Don’t be afraid to shout the “M” word.  Org & Relo has your back.  Who knows… you may end up loving to move.


Written by: Jennifer Gowler, Director of Operations

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All aboard! - or not?

All aboard! - or not?

Planning a move?  Chances are, someone in your household is not so eager as you are to make the change.  Who is dragging their feet?  Your spouse who just finally started to feel like your house was a home after months (or maybe years) of finding just the right furniture, art work, and paint color?  Your 7-year-old who has only lived in one place his/her whole life so far?  Your dog who knows the best places to bury their bone? Or is it you – dreading the idea of packing, packing, and more packing…then figuring out how to move items from point A to point B, then unpacking, unpacking, and more unpacking…and trying to still work at the same time!

We talk about it often.  Moving is one of the top stressful life events.  That said, there are those individuals who love to move.  They are invigorated by the changes and new opportunities that a relocation can offer.  Maybe that I you.  If the move involves more than a one person household, likely someone is not on board 100%. 

Here are a few tips to dealing with moving when everyone is NOT “All aboard”.

  • Talk about it and make the decision to move together.  Listen to each other’s positives about moving and also their concerns.  They may be different, they may still not want to move, and that is ok.  Just acknowledging each others feelings is huge.

  • Involve them in the process of making the house a home.  Let them choose the paint color for their room, pick out a new rug, or write a special message on the floor before the new carpet is installed.

  • If possible, visit the house together as a family before the move happens.  Maybe have a picnic in the dining room or take sleeping bags and have a sleepover before all the “stuff” arrives.  This is a good reminder that memories are created by being surrounded by our loved ones and not material things. 

  • Explore the community together by eating at a local restaurant, checking out the local shops, join the neighborhood page to get suggestions of local events. 

  • Be patient.  Change is hard, even when it is for the best. 

Written by: Jennifer Gowler, Project Manager

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Org & Relo to the Relocation Rescue! 

Org & Relo to the Relocation Rescue! 

Many of our amazing clients have children far and wide with almost impossible schedules to gather for the sake of a parent relocation. Do you have an aging parent living in a massive house filled to the brim? Drop the stress, drop the guilt, let Org & Relo help you and your family.

Let me talk about our fantastic client Brian, (not his real name to protect his privacy), who needed help transitioning out of a 7,500 square foot home to a 2,500 moderate one. First, his children, all long distance in various continents, via email, skype, pictures, etc. were able to collect the important and meaningful inherited items each and secured in hand.

Now, what about the THOUSANDS of other times in the garage, the attic, the basement, the numerous closets that needed help with sorting, purging and containerizing? THAT'S WHAT ORG & RELO IS COMMITTED TO! Org & Relo created a system to help Brian dig out, move out and settle in. By the time Brian's relocation was complete, he and his children treated us like family and everyone's spirits were lifted. THEY did not feel guilty knowing their Dad was just fine, surrounded by a great team of pros and secured in his new home.

 Do you need help with a loved one's relocation? Let Organization & Relocation take care of all the details, it's what we do.

Written by: JD Farley, Project Manager

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Org & Relo is 14 Years Old!

Org & Relo is 14 Years Old!

Org & Relo is Turning 14!

Something about January and a fresh new year ahead always gets us thinking: What will this year bring? What will we conquer, what dreams will we fulfill? This month is especially exciting for us because Org & Relo is celebrating 14 years of business!

Organization & Relocation was founded by Sheryl Hadley in January 2005 after going to help a friend pack his home. Instead of packing even one box, they picked up trash and put away shoes to clear the space in order to be able to pack. Sheryl thought, “there must be a business in this.” 

The next day, Sheryl called her friend Stacey Kramer ( who does naming and branding and the result (over a glass of wine, written on a cocktail napkin... of course 😂) was the name Organization & Relocation was born. Sheryl then contacted her graphic designer friend Ryan Batch, ( who is a graphic designer and the logo was created around the coffee table at her home. Sheryl hit the town flapping her "big mouth" and three weeks later she landed her first client (thanks Cooper Schell)!

14 years later, here we are, coming off of our best year yet with clients all over the US! But we couldn't have done it alone! We have an amazing team of professional “problem solvers” aka organizers working tirelessly to transform the lives of clients all over the country! Thank you to everyone who has supported us throughout the years. We can't wait to see what 2019 has in store!

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