10 Tips to Reduce Clutter - Thoughts by Sam

Creating a space of calm for you and/or your family allows us to be much more present and spend time doing what we love. Here are my top 10 tips for reducing clutter and bringing that peace of mind:

 Make your bed daily. Completing one task makes completing more likely.

 Keep flat surfaces clear. Our brain likes a tidy space. 

 Look for duplicates. Do you really use all those pots & pans, makeup accessories, or leggings (okay, this one, I get!)

✅ Toy purge. Stick mostly to open ended toys and ask your kids what they truly love. 

- if you don’t have kids, this could apply to the toys for your fur babies too

- if neither applies to you, consider looking at the amount of electronics in your life - do they all hold purpose and get used regularly?

✅ Reduce paper clutter. Accomplish this by filing right away, scanning, or moving to paperless subscriptions.

✅ Keep decor minimal. Find what you truly love and stick with that. Less decor = less dust collectors.

✅ Limit clothes shopping. My kids grow fast, so they don’t have a ton of outfits. I can do laundry more often if I need to.

- for yourself, consider doing a capsule wardrobe! 

✅ Store out of season clothing. I’m not wearing shorts or tank tops anytime soon.

✅ One in, one out. If you bring home an item, look for something to donate or sell in its place.

✅ Routine. Bookend your days with a consistent schedule. A mourning routine will help you wake up and start the day on the right food. An evening routine will help your brain relax and let go of the day.

What do you think? Are you ready to declutter your life? Let us know how it’s going in the comments below or over on Instagram!