Child’s Memory Box, a Gift of Love


As a parent, you know there are many precious baby objects that can get lost as the years fly by, especially in the very early years.

How can we capture these items besides in a photograph?

One of our families most precious possessions is a Memory Box of our two sons baby years, check this out! 

We have a piece of their hospital blankets, first hats, shoes, toys they chewed on, hair and even teeth (!) and other prized possessions that matter to our family.

All you need to do is find an old or new printer drawer of a size to your liking. 

But, even before that, create a box or container to store items with meaning in one location. 

When ready, look back in this box and take out the best and most loved pieces and place in the printer’s drawer, you can get all sizes or have one made. 

Purchase cut plexiglass fit to size over the drawer to keep out dust and stay clean. 

Add a bit of trim and you have a FANTASTIC piece of history that your children and many generations to come will cherish.

Happy days!

By: JD Farley, Project Manager & Professional Organizer